
Chomh maith leis sin, tá taifeadtaí de na leaganacha cainte uilig le fáil thíos agus iad taifeadta ag iar-chaptaen buacach Chiarraí,
Dara Ó Cinnéide.
Is é sprioc an leabhráin agus na bpóstaer seo ná téarmaíocht shainiúil agus treoir chruinn a chur ar fáil ar féidir le himreoirí, réiteoirí, lucht tacaíochta agus traenálaithe a úsáid. Ar ndóigh, is áis don saibhriú teanga a bheidh sa tsraith seo freisin, agus áis a chuirfeas le feasacht na litearthachta sna ceantair Ghaeltachta (literacy awareness).
Tacóidh na háiseanna seo go mór le cur chun cinn chaint nádúrtha na Gaeltachta sa phobal, ag seisiúin traenála, i gclós na scoile, agus ag ranganna neamhfhoirmeálta comhrá do bhaill na gcumann ar fad ar mian leo úsáid na Gaeilge a spreagadh.
Tá leaganacha de na háiseanna seo ar fáil anois sa trí mhórchanúint.
This Caid na Gaeltachta booklet (Munster version) contains footballing terms, everyday expressions and phrases as Gaeilge that will be useful in the Kerry and Munster Gaeltacht with plenty of football tips, directions, sporting terms, as well as words of encouragement for training and for games. You can also familiarise yourself with player positions on the GAA field. The various actions are displayed in photos by footballers from Gaeltacht Gaelic football clubs in the Munster region. yo.
You can also listen to Dara Ó Cinnéide, winning Kerry captain relaying all the phrases from the booklet in his rich Kerry dialect.
The content in the booklet and in the 4 posters provide specific footballing terms and guidance for players, referees, supporters and trainers alike. This series can also be used to enrich the language of everyday Irish speakers, and is a very useful and practical language support to aid literacy awareness in the Gaeltacht.
It’s hoped these can support and enrich the everyday language of the Gaeltacht, at training sessions, in the school yard, and at informal language classes for members of the football club who wish to encourage more use of the Irish language.
The booklet and posters are available in the three main Irish dialects.
You can also listen to Dara Ó Cinnéide, winning Kerry captain relaying all the phrases from the booklet in his rich Kerry dialect.
The content in the booklet and in the 4 posters provide specific footballing terms and guidance for players, referees, supporters and trainers alike. This series can also be used to enrich the language of everyday Irish speakers, and is a very useful and practical language support to aid literacy awareness in the Gaeltacht.
It’s hoped these can support and enrich the everyday language of the Gaeltacht, at training sessions, in the school yard, and at informal language classes for members of the football club who wish to encourage more use of the Irish language.
The booklet and posters are available in the three main Irish dialects.